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How to Develop Problem-Solving Skills in Children



Students studying in every standard, whether it is kindergarten, primary or secondary, encounter various problems almost daily. In this situation, teachers of Hilton High School recognized as the best school in Yelahanka attempt to help children to solve problems on their own. For this, teachers adopt a few effective strategies as discussed here.

Design a Problem-Solving Model

Whenever you face any challenge, you have to think aloud to benefit the students. For this, you have to model a combination of problem-solving skills. Later, you have to work on such skills together. You can also give a few real-world examples to let children implement in their life. Moreover, as teachers of reputed schools in Yelahanka, you have to show the willingness to commit mistakes as well. Every individual encounters various types of problems in life. Hence, while modeling problem solving you have to highlight the things, which remain out of human control. Accordingly, you have to teach students to focus on only those things, which they can control at the time of solving problems.

Ask for Good Advice

You may ask for some good advice from students related to their curriculum activities. This will make them competent enough to deal with many big problems in the future. Students will also think that committing mistakes is a common thing and they stay prepared to deal with challenges. Besides, kids will get the opportunity to practice various problem-solving skills. When you give value to the creative skills and ideas of students, they gain enough confidence in attempting to resolve problems on their own.

Let the Children Find Solutions

Many times, children come across various types of problems related to their curriculum and other extra activities. For instance, the problem is related to any particular topic in Geometry or anything related to athletic games. Regardless of the difficulty level, teachers of the best CBSE schools in Yelahanka Bangalore let their children find solutions on their own. Depending on the level of difficulty, kids will get the opportunity to struggle and analyze everything in detail. In some cases, kids will succeed and in others, they fail. However, the positive aspect is that children learn from underlying consequences even when they fail.

Application of a Systematic Approach to Solve Problems

Excluding the strategies revealed here, teachers of Hilton High School in Yelahanka of Bangalore apply a systematic approach to help students to solve problems on their own.

Identification of the Problem

In most cases, stating the problem loudly is enough to help the kids. Hence, as teachers of good schools, you have to inspire students to mention the problem loudly. For example, you do not have good playmates or you are facing difficulty in learning history chapters.

Develop a Few Good Solutions

Let the students brainstorm to identify ways and resolve the problem. At this point, you must emphasize that the solutions do not necessarily have to be good ideas. Instead, one has to help children to develop solutions while struggling to find innovative ideas. The key here is to develop creative skills in children so that they can find many solutions.

Identify Pros and Cons of Each Solution

You may assist children to identify various negative and positive consequences for each of the potential solutions they have already identified.

Look for a Solution

After the kids succeeded to evaluate the possible outcomes, teachers of both CBSE and ICSE schools in Yelahanka encourage them to find an appropriate solution.

Test a Particular Solution

In the last step, teachers ask students to try any particular solution. If the solution fails to work, kids may try the alternative one from the available ones.


Overall, teachers of Hilton High School meet their responsibilities of imparting problem-solving skills to children in the best way. Therefore, with the necessary problem-solving skills, children become independent, confident, and successful individuals.

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